Monday, February 10, 2025

Sunny but chilly, a morning walk around the 'hood

Our days of perpetual sunshine (plus a record-breaking number of dry January days) had come to an end, replaced by low grey skies and threats of snow. So when last Tuesday was unexpectedly sunny I went for a long walk. I never set off intending to take photos for a blog post, but once I pull out the phone (camera), it's hard to stop!

How could I not document these stunning Agave ovatifolia? (plus a couple of A. parryi)

On the other side of the sidewalk there are a couple more (and they're a little tormented by conifer litter)...

How nice it would be to have this front porch fern grotto!

Yes, I am using the term loosely, it's kind of cave-like.

These folks are getting rid of their front lawn with chipboard and a very thick layer of woodchip mulch. 

I wish I knew when they'd started the project, it would be fun to watch the progress.

Oh my. How do I not remember these sculptures in the making?

Seems like a lot of work.

This house used to have a big healthy opuntia planting out front, and that cryptomeria used to be a lot smaller.

The opuntia is gone, but I see there is still an agave back there, can you see it?


That's a sweet Yucca linearifolia!

Ditto for the Euphorbia rigida (same property).

And still the same property, a fine opuntia, trachycarpus (palm), and more...

I hope the Agave bracteosa doesn't get ran over.

Simple, but striking. There was a nice little patio up near the house and driveway, but I couldn't get a good shot.

It smelled even better than it looks (hamamelis species)

I wonder what's hiding under those frost-protection tents? I'll have to remember to walk this way again when it's warmer (our nights have been cool, a low of 25F recorded a couple times, but there's even more cool (with possibly snow and freezing rain) on the way).

It occurs to me as I work my way thru this post just how many brick homes I photographed! Andrew and I call this neighborhood the ranchlands because of all the ranch-style homes there, and a lot of them are either completely brick, or have brick accents.

This ranchlands garden has been featured many times on this blog, although it's been awhile. Things have grown substantially...

An other Agave ovatifolia, I believe.

The hellstrip with opuntia, arctostaphylos and barely visible at the far right a large cholla.

The Yucca rostrata here have attained tree-like height.

They're remarkable!

I crossed a street to get a photo of the green (next shot), but was also captivated by the contrast next door, with the hard lines.


Lots of green.

I have no idea what this is, but it makes a nice soft brown winter moment.

I drive by this structure at least once a week. I've been trying to figure out what's under there (I surely saw it before it was covered) but seeing it from the sidewalk side offered no more clues. I should have stuck my phone under there to get a photo or two, but the opening at the bottom is more narrow than it looks.

Oh hey... this one's familiar, home!

Before I end this post I wanted to mention that I'll be speaking at the Northwest Flower & Garden Festival again this year. My topic; #fernsarethenewsucculents. This is the same talk I gave to the Hardy Fern Foundation last month, so if you missed it there (and you'll be at the show on Friday morning at 11:15), come say hi! Bonus; you don't even need a ticket to the show to attend the Plant Academy talks (where I'll be), they're FREE! More info on the seminars HERE.

To receive alerts of new danger garden posts by email, subscribe here. Please note: these are sent from a third party, their annoying ads are beyond my control. 

All material © 2009-2025 by Loree L Bohl. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.

Friday, February 7, 2025

The Botanical Building at Balboa Park and a book review: The Conservatory, Gardens Under Glass

Our next stop at Balboa Park was The Botanical Building, aka the Lath House. This structure was originally built for the 1915-16 Exposition and is one of the largest lath houses in the world.  

The building just reopened (on December 6th), after being closed to the public for three years while Phase 1 of a $28.5 million revitalization project was completed. Included in the renovation was the restoration of stucco arches, a new redwood lath roof, improved irrigation systems and lighting, and access for people with disabilities (more info here).

The stunning view looking out from the front of the lath house...

And the view inside...

The structure is amazing.

Absolutely gorgeous.

The plants? Not so much. I mean they're fine, right up there with a nice mall. But interesting and inspiring? A good fit with their location? Not even close.

How absolutely disappointing.

I remember feeling awe when I walked thru back in 2014 (photos here).

This time, no. No awe. It looks like an underfunded bedding out scheme.

This corner was the most interesting. 

That stump was cool!

And there were pyrrosia, P. lingua 'Crested', but not even a few pyrrosia were enough to cheer me up.

The next phase of the renovation is supposed to involve the plantings around the outside of the building. Let's hope they do better there.

Moving on to a quick book review (so this post isn't completely disheartening) let's talk about The Conservatory, Gardens Under Glass, by Alan Stein and Nancy Virts, from Princeton Architectural Press (2020). It seems fitting since the Botanical Building is mentioned in the book, even though there's no glass.

I first learned of this book when Camille (aka tahomaflora) mentioned receiving it as a Christmas gift. I immediately looked it up, but since the price was rather steep for an impulse buy (over $50/$40 used) I decided to get it from my local library. Nope. It seems Portland’s lack of interest in conservatories runs even to the library system! (Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, San Francisco all have conservatories, but not Portland). I was finally able to track it down via an Interlibrary loan, the book came to me from the Coos Bay Public Library.
Book photo spread: the Botanic Gardens Belfast Conservatory

Here's a tidbit from Chapter Five: New World Conservatories. They're writing about the late nineteenth century in the Unites States and Canada…
"The perception of North America as a backwater even extended to the continent’s flora and fauna: America’s native species were considered inferior to Europe’s. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) railed against the belief of French scientists that flora and fauna inevitably degenerated when transplanted to America. A famous eighteenth-century naturalist and the head of the Jardin des Plants in Paris, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Come de Buffon (1707-1788), wrote that in America, all things “shrink and diminish under a blackened sky and unprolific land.” In response, Jefferson dispatched twenty soldiers to New Hampshire to find a bull moose as proof of the “stature and majesty of American quadrupeds.” Buffon later penned a retraction, but the state of botany as a science in the colonies and early republic was also disparaged. Victoria Johnson, the author of American Eden (2018), relates that a French botanist, in Manhattan on a mission from Louis XVI, wrote home, “There are no informed people here, not even amateurs.”

Writing about Henry Phipps Jr. (1839-1930), the man behind Phipps Conservatory in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the authors note that he. “…was genuinely concerned about the well-being of the working class and thought a public conservatory would benefit the city.” Of course that’s after they noted that the industry that fueled his fortune (steel) also “created a thick blanket of smog, that damaged the health of the workers.” Once completed the Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens was donated to the city of Pittsburgh “on the condition that it be open on Sundays so that laborers could go there on their rest day.” Hmmm. Making my fortune I damaged the natural world, but now I am giving back. 

Phipps Conservatory is definitely one I would like to visit, someday. The Scripps Conservatory in Detroit also looks like a great place to see...
Book photo spread: the Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory at Belle Isle Park in Detroit, Michigan
I count myself rather lucky to have visited several of the buildings on their list of New World Conservatories...

I've been to the Conservatory of Flowers, The New York Botanical Garden, The Fernery at Morris Arboretum, Volunteer Park Conservatory, Longwood Gardens, The Balboa Botanical Building, United States Botanic Garden, and Allan Gardens Conservatory.

I thought this was an interesting tidbit in the section on the Volunteer Park Conservatory in Seattle: "From the beginning, according to the conservancy’s website, “the Conservatory’s mission was to educate, collect, and conserve threatened plants and to transport visitors beyond the open green spaces of the Park to another world that examines connected environments and plant species from around the globe.” Thus, the conservatory is no longer only a place to study botany, or explore the economic potential of plants, or even find a green respite for urban populations. It now has a conservation mission."

I've also had the privilege to visit some of the Modern Glasshouse Marvels...

I've seen the Jardin des Plants, Princess of Wales Conservatory, Parc André Citroën, The Davies Alpine House and of course the Amazon Spheres. Not on either of those lists are the conservatories at Kew (which I've also been lucky enough to visit), and that's because they are the subject of much discussion earlier in the book.

Here's where I admit that I didn't read every word in this magnificent book, it had far too many details (painstakingly researched I'm sure) on the early days. I skimmed, I read the interesting bits, I soaked up all the lovely photos. I then returned it and felt lucky to have been able to put in a request and have the library system track down and deliver (to my nearest library) the book. Let's hope this benefit doesn't disappear under the current administration, along with so many others.   
Book photo spread: The Schönbrunn Palace Park Conservatory, Vienna, Austria

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All material © 2009-2025 by Loree L Bohl. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.