Monday, February 3, 2025

Ten years later... they're still there!

When Andrew and I decided to spend a few days in San Diego and talked about returning to Balboa Park, my curious brain started to wonder, "what are the chances they'll still be there?" Well it turns out the chances are good...

I'm talking about these containers, on the side of the Balboa Park Club building. They themselves aren't all that remarkable anymore, kind of sad actually. Although there's still something about the vignette that pulls me in...

They mattered to me because when I saw them during our visit back in 2014 I had a very strange moment of déjà vu. I knew those containers, I'd loved them, maybe even lusted after them...not in real life, but online, on Pinterest (it was my photo heavy social media platform of choice back then). Standing here in person—in 2014—it took me awhile to figure out exactly why I was feeling that strong sense of déjà vu when I had never been here, never seen them in person. This image is the original pin/source that I'd loved online...

Another photo I took on January 16th 2025...

And one of my photos from December of 2014 that shows the same container, if from not quite the same angle...

This was the first place we stopped during our January visit to Balboa Park, and I'll admit that while I was initially happy to see the planters were largely unaltered, that emotion quickly changed to sadness. Sadness that nobody had cared enough to spruce them up a bit in the intervening 10 years.

Unfortunately I would feel that same sadness as we visited other areas in the park. That's not to say there weren't happy healthy plants and many wonderful things to see, but it's obvious that plant care is not as high on the list of expenditures as one might hope. 

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All material © 2009-2025 by Loree L Bohl. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Ferns on a palm, because why not? (and videos!)

If you've been following along here for any length of time you know I love plants growing on other plants. Jungle cactus winding themselves around the branches of trees, pyrrosia that have completely covered a trunk so it seems to be enveloped in green scales—these things make me swoon. You've also probably been witness to my tucking tillandsia and other bromeliads (Fascicularia bicolor for example) into the hairy trunks of my palms—Trachycarpus fortunei and T. fortunei var. wagnerianus. Today I'm sharing my latest crazy project, ferns growing on palms...

Here are two of my palms, photo from last October. In fact all the pictures in this post are from October, 2024. The trunk of the palm on the far left is covered in Passiflora lutea, a decidulous vine that dies back over the winter and then grows to cover the palm over the summer. On the far right is the palm we're looking at today. See the green bits? Those are ferns...

Growing up from the ground is Trachelospermum asiaticum 'Theta', an evergreen jasmine vine.

I love that vine, but I wasn't content to wait for it to cover the trunk and decided to experiment using these natural sort of pockets in the furry trunk...

I started with the Asplenium trichomanes you saw in the top photo, and was so excited I texted a friend to share what I'd done. She encouraged me to take it one step further and include a Pyrrosia lingua. Duh! Of course I should...

I'm not sure why I needed the nudge, I mean I'd thought about it... I guess I was just hesitant to do it in October, with winter on the way (Asplenium trichomanes is hardy to Zone 3, whereas the pyrrosia is a Zone 8 plant). She reminded me though, when dry pyrrosia a better able to withstand cool temps. 

So there you have it. Ferns on a! You know I'll keep you updated on how they perform, so far they're doing great.

Now to those promised videos, first we've got a walk around the back garden that runs just over 4 minutes. As I say in my commentary, the date was September 11th, 2024.

This second video starts in the driveway and then I wander out to the front garden, it runs just over 5 minutes. I hope these add a new dimension to the the photo tours I shared earlier in the week—oh, and yes that sound you hear are my flip-flops! 

To receive alerts of new danger garden posts by email, subscribe here. Please note: these are sent from a third party, their annoying ads are beyond my control. 

All material © 2009-2025 by Loree L Bohl. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

My back garden, 2024 tour

Welcome to the back garden! Come on in and let's start the tour. Today we'll see what the garden looked like at the end of the 2024 growing season—these photos were all taken last September. As you might have already guessed, it's gonna be a very long post! 

The orange wall is the neighbor's garage and the north boundary of the upper garden. The brown wall is the back of our house.

My garden is small, our lot measures 45' wide and 111' deep, and of course a chunk of that is taken up with the house, driveway and garage. The house sits to the front of the property, so the back garden is larger than the front.

Looking west, down at the patio, which (in case you didn't already know) is a lower level than where I'm standing to take this shot. We'll work our way down there eventually, but first we've got more to see in the upper garden.

To help orient yourself, that's the same paver pathway as in the above photos, but now you're looking south, at the side of our garage. I use those branches of the Metapanax delavayi and Schefflera delavayi as structure to hang other plants from. 

Like this planting of Pyrrosia lingua.

There's also a pair of rusted metal trellis that are installed perpendicular to the garage, which divide the planting area into front and back spaces. They were originally put in place for vines, but once the vines were shaded out they too became a place for hanging containers and mounted plants. I do lot let space set empty!

This year (last year? the 2024 gardening season) I changed things up with new pedestal plantings showcasing three different types of pyrrosia.

Clockwise from the top; Pyrrosia sheareri, then P. sp. SEH#1511 and sp. SEH#12547. The SEH refers to Steve E. Hootman, Executive Director of Horticulture and Curator at the Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden (where I got the pyrrosia).

Turning now to look at the other (south) end...

That's Passiflora lutea growing up the palm trunk.
There's better lighting in this photo to appreciate the bench I brought home from the Garden Fling last July and the containers that migrated to it.

Behind the bench there are a few new rhododendrons that were planted this spring, which will grow and make more of a statement.

A late addition (not in the above photo), Doodia media, a fern.

Turning again and looking to the southwest and the shade pavilion behind our garage.

And the bromeliad dish I added for height in this section of the garden after last winter took out so many things.

Hanging from Clifford, our big-leaf magnolia (Magnolia macrophylla) is a planting of Pyrrosia lingua, a cryptanthus and Fascicularia pitcairnifolia I put together back in 2023. As with many of the container plantings it's in the basement now, since the cryptanthus is not winter-hardy here.

Okay, it's (finally) time to take the steps down to the patio, but not before stopping to look at last summer's fern planting that replaced a dead Nolina 'La Siberica'. I absolutely love this spot now, much more than I did before.

A glace to the left and the shade pavilion.

And to the right, and the first of many (MANY) containers on the patio.

Our original Yucca rostrata, Sammy, the steps I just walked down are on the far right.

The backside of the new fern planting, as well as a view of the paver pathway back to the entrance.

Stepping to the south and looking back at the same area.
A large Agave ovatifolia 'Frosty Blue' (it's in a container) and the table planting on top of what used to be the stock tank pond.

A close up of the container to the right above.

The Pyrrosia lingua has been growing on that rock since early summer 2023—an experiment that's performed very well.

I couldn't resist highlighting the whale's spiky fins (they call Agave ovatifolia the whale's tongue agave, I prefer to think of them as fins rather than tongues).

Another past project that's doing well (this one copied from a friend).

The view across the patio, looking south, from where I took that last photo.
A container grouping in the northwest corner...

And then I skipped ahead to another shot of the shade pavilion and the plants on the south end of the patio. What you missed wasn't a lot, just a few more containers and the plantings on the west side of the patio.

A close-up of the container grouping to the right side, that aeonium (inherited from a gardener who was downsizing) has so much personality.

Ferns that don't look like ferns; Lepisorus rostratus MD 15-09 and Lemmaphyllum microphyllum.

A pulled-back look at the area behind the garage. 

And the containers in the southeast corner of the patio.

Pyrrosia hastata 'Storm Watch' (and friends).

Pyrrosia lingua 'Kei Kan' and my only remaining Aloe dorotheae.

That's the step up to the shade pavilion area, I've used it and I'm now looking back down on it—and the funnel planters (remember though, that step is NOT a funnel holder!). Those are Pyrrosia lingua planted between the step and the wall. Something else to remember, you can never have too many pyrrosia.

Looking up, and out across the patio towards the north end.

And now focused again on the area behind the garage.

Looking to the right.

Some of these photos showed up in the fence-focused post I did back in September (here), but I'm including them again.

This creation (my fern frame) has also been in the basement since sometime in October. It's holding up well.

Turning now to the bromeliad and rhipsalis pedestals in the far southwest corner.

This is where we end the tour! A reminder, on Friday I'll share some videos I took around the same time I snapped these photos. They'll give a different perspective on the space. Hope you'll return for that...

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All material © 2009-2025 by Loree L Bohl. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.